In the past few days two people who were not following me sent me direct messages (DM) on Twitter. Neither of us realized the asymmetrical nature of our “relationship” until I had to actually e-mail (oh the horror) them back to suggest they follow me so I could reply.
It is a small annoyance – but something Twitter could fix by notifying a user if the DM they are going to send cannot be reciprocated. Or — how about an auto-follow when you send a direct message to someone who is already following you?
Another more useful tool would be a rating (5%, 20%, 95% etc) connected to individual tweets to indicate how new, or valuable, a given message may be to your followers. If 99% of them already follow the person you are retweeting, you might think twice about rebroadcasting it
I wanted this Saturday when sending a RT – wondering how many of the people who follow me had already seen the message and link. I am not totally convinced this would encourage more productive retweeting, but it is a type of network feedback seems necessary as Twitter grows and becomes more important as a news distribution platform.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Damon Kiesow, Matt Small. Matt Small said: RT @dkiesow: Twitter needs a "share rating" to help guide RT decisions. […]